Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Kindergarten is only the beginning...

I haven't written in awhile and so I will add one more thing to everyone's newsfeed about the first day of school. 

JW isn't one you hear as much about. Especially on my blog. He is our more down to earth and easy going child. He's Mr Independent who spends his days being creative and indulging his active imagination. He's my "little Monk". You know, the incredibly awesome show featuring Tony Shaloub as Adrian Monk - OCD ex police officer. That's him and me all rolled into one with a little bit of his father's temperament. 

But almost 6 years ago he was the first born that rocked our world. And almost 6 years ago I struggled to understand why he was born premature. We lived in fear and worry for the first few weeks of his life, one scare after another in the NICU. And the feeling I felt leaving him at the end of visiting hours each day was a terrible one. It left a knot in the pit of my stomach. I just wanted to have my baby home with me and never let him go. Well that knot came back as he and I said our goodbyes this morning. 

He's only ever been left with my mother or the occasional family member babysitting for a few hours. After all the tears he shed this week I was prepared for the waterworks. But he choked them back and gave me the biggest hug I think he's ever given me and simply said "I love you Mama". I couldn't look back as I walked out. And that's when I noticed the knot. 

My cup runneth over with love for him and his big heart!

He doesn't handle everything well just yet. Disappointment is hard for him because he strives for order and perfection. But he will learn. He will learn just how proud we are of him no matter what!

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

To the beat of his own drum

My eldest son is our witty one. My daughter and middle child, our little diva. Don't the middle children have to be? ;)

And then there is Michael Anthony Gallman; who personally requests that everyone address him using his full name. Many know he was a BIG surprise for us. The gift that keeps on giving, I know now he will continue to surprise all those around him with his many humorous antics. He can charm the best of them.

Three Sundays ago I prepared as if going to battle: snacks, coloring books, crayons, toys - anything to keep them preoccupied. With each child this became more of a challenge, leaving me wondering why I try? I haven't heard a sermon in years and neither have the family and friends we sit around. Usually I'm quick enough and have enough reflex to out maneuver any mishap that may arise. However, this particular Sunday both boys were testing waters. As the prayer reached its end and all our attention focused on the eldest (mad over crayons), Tony looks at me and says three words. Three words I've come to dread, "there goes Michael".

I look down to see his feet disappear under the pew, and rows of people popping up out of their seat scrambling to grab speedy. As I run down the aisle following the fingers and standing church members all I can think is how will I ever live this down? No longer aware of what is going on up front, I manage to head him off. Michael spots my feet, pops up laughing like a loon and grinning from ear to ear. Just in time my uncle snatches him from behind. Mortified and a bit in shock I still managed to laugh with everyone else. I'm sure a lot of prayers went up that day for us ;)

God must have a sense of humor to give us the surprise that keeps on surprising. A child like none I've met before. Michael spends his days looking for the next big adventure. The latest adventure -Tonight I turn around to find him bare bottom in the air, head in the child's potty seat studying the inside of the toilet. My initial reaction was yanking him out of the toilet and scolding him. But half way through "do you know how nasty that is...why on earth would you do that" I begin to laugh. And laughing together is what we did (as I cleaned him up of course).