Saturday, December 15, 2012

A look back at four years of Katie

It's amazing how personalities can change and evolve in a young child. As my daughter turns four I can't help but look back at the many stages of Katie Beth Gallman with a smile on my face. Early on as newlyweds, I use to joke with tony about only having boys because girls would be far more difficult. I was quite the challenge growing up and feared a mini me.

The two ultrasounds I remember most were with Katie's pregnancy. The first being the initial one where I heard her heartbeat for the first time. Something told me this might be a girl but after hearing that heartbeat I began to think of all the wonderful things having a daughter meant and cried right there in the doctors office. The second ultrasound was the one where we learned it was indeed a girl. Feeling a bit panicked at first I wondered how bad could a mini me be. My mother warned me one day I'd get it all back, all the trouble I caused would come back two fold. But who cares we had a baby girl.

I remember she sounded like a cat meowing early on but over the years her vocal chords have gotten much stronger. Her screams remind me that loud mouth children don't lose that with age. I didn't. Until Katie hit the age of 18 months neither tony nor I slept. Early on it was Katie's reflux that kept her up and so she slept in baby seats or on a pillow next to us. At some point this set the standard for Katie's night owl tendencies. As soon as this child could walk she let us know just how child proofed our house wasn't. So we made this place look like Fort Knox within months. Every child safety gate, lock, tie, and guard was put in place for her. She knew night life as early as two. We'd find her in corners of the house the next morning with toys everywhere. But the biggest adventure to date was when we awoke to find after stacking furniture to get to it, Katie took a permanent blue marker up and down walls, doors, and furniture around the house. She hit four rooms that night. After that she helped herself to a whole batch of cupcakes on the counter and was making preparations to cook herself a grand a old meal when I stumbled half asleep into the kitchen. All the while my oldest was kicked back watching the whole thing from the floor. His statement to us was Katie woke me up and I told her no. Obviously I've never forgotten that particular escapade, along with many others. Katherine Elizabeth, our little adventurer, has not had many night adventures since.

Today, she is a sassy mini me with a heart of gold who spends her days being a little mama to her brothers. A bit more shy around people than she used to be. She prefers to study people and ask questions later. Yes, she has studied many of you. She will break out in random fits of giggles and give no reason, just giggle. She dances and sings her little heart out around the house. She is dramatic, stubborn, sweet, loving, beautiful and today as we celebrate four years of her life I couldn't be more proud of her. Thank you God for knowing my heart better than I and blessing us with our sweet girl.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Those sweet moments

Today I had one of those heart melting moments with Michael. He is our curious little troublemaker. As always I warned him if he didn't stop throwing something he was going to his room and I kept my promise. After a short time it got real quiet in his room. So I waited and then checked; only to find him curled up in his brothers bed, with his brothers blanket, and holding a car his brother had been sleeping with. I asked him if he was trying to be like "bubba" and he grinned that Michael grin, yep. After a while I took JW to the side and told him what I found Michael doing, explaining to him that Michael wanted to be just like him. It was like a light bulb went off and he walked over gave his baby brother the biggest hug and kiss completely making Michael's day.

There is a purpose to my lengthy story: One of Michaels daily goals is to get his brothers attention. Good or bad. He just wants his big bro to notice him. His sister has always been there by his side. She's never rough with him and quite the little mama to him. But there is some sort of brotherly bond that I truly enjoy watching develop between my oldest and youngest.

No doubt my three will be inseparable. And that my friends, makes me smile! :)

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Hands free revolution - part two

Why hands free?

My eldest son is my motivation. This last year has been a difficult one for him. Never being one to demand attention as much as the other two and very independent as early as age 2, he kind of got lost in the crowd here at the Gallman house. At age 4, he was suddenly demanding to be heard and begging for attention.

Now, Facebook is just one of many ways we are changing things up at home. Most importantly I'm learning to stop what I'm doing and listen. If that means putting work, cooking, cleaning, or laundry on hold...I'm trying. And he's noticing. His random hugs, smiles, and loving words let me know he sees the effort. And so I will only try that much harder.

I hold on to this fear that out of three kids, someone might always feel left out. But then I watch them and I see these three have a bond that will never be broken. I thank God for that!

Sadly...You can not break an addiction without a little backsliding. So this past week and weekend were NOT Facebook free by any means but I plan to compensate by making tomorrow's holiday with the family absent of any and all things Facebook.

More to come on this journey of becoming hands free...

Saturday, August 25, 2012

The hands free revolution

The hands free revolution is a Facebook group I was introduced too months ago and a concept I found intimidating but much needed.

Before I go any further, let me say I have been a Facebook member since its early college years. When it was for college students only and simply a fun way to to keep up with your fellow students. It somehow evolved into a primary method of communication for the entire planet. A bit scary.

Today, we live in a society where people just go, go all day long. Technology has matched that pace, making it incredibly easy to keep up with life while on the move. You have the ease of social interaction with a large group of people at one time, minus much interaction. A simple like, a comment, or a status update.

Years later, as a working mother of three it has become more an absolute waste of my time. Any free moment I would find myself drawn to it. I do keep in touch with many people via Facebook and would never want to lose that. But I realized hands free interactions with my children and my family were becoming obsolete. So much so my children were prefacing their questions with put your phone down mama.

Last week was a test for myself. Could I do it? Initially I set the bar high; I was going to log off for a week or two But as all good intentions was evidently too high. I successfully logged out every night and all day Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. Just that short amount of time did wonders. I found myself filling that free time with time spent playing with the kids. They noticed too and their excitement made it all worthwhile. I heard every question and word they told me. And who couldn't use a little less Facebook drama?

Saturday, May 19, 2012

The story of Melmo

Michael Anthony Gallman. Named after his grandfather and father. A name destined for greatness. But in a matter of two years Michael evolved into Melmo. And here's how.

I've never been a fan of Elmo. In fact, I didn't like Elmo at all. Whats to like about a giggling, squeaky voiced red monster that for a short time caused utter chaos at Christmas. Give me cookie monster any day. But please no Elmo.

However, Michaels brother, JW, had one Elmo toy. That was a haha funny for Valentines day years ago. Out of all the toys that fill our house, the one toy Michael became fascinated with as a baby was this talking, kissing, giggling Elmo. He was so fascinated, his first word...before mama or dada...was Elmo.

Over time I've grown rather fond of the little red monster that makes my baby boy's face light up. Two months ago Michael started learning people's names. Every time it came around to him he would grin and point to himself and say "Melmo". Hence the nickname that has officially stuck.

Now Melmo is no longer my BABY Elmo fanatic :( but a soon to be 2 year old Elmo fanatic. One who's personality is a lot like the little red monster I once disliked. It's funny how things change! Sadly, I hope he doesn't grow out of his love for Elmo anytime soon. Because then and I'm sure then, he'll be grown and liking things like girls and have obnoxious friends. Friends who I'll gladly trade in for his buddy Elmo. :)

Monday, April 16, 2012

My first blog

Life with two preschoolers and a toddler equals utter chaos, madness and mayhem at our house.  Welcome to my blog.  My name is Sara.  My husband and I have been married 6 years (next month).  We have a 4 year old, a 3 year old, and a 1 year old who will soon turn 2.  There is never, ever a dull moment at our house.  Even in the wee hours of the night and the moments where you mistake the sneaky workings of our children for quiet silence.  I work full time, sell Avon on the side, and somehow try to keep up with my three children in my spare time.  I'm not alone in this adventure.  My partner, best friend, and husband is right there in the madness with me.  We are also blessed with family and friends who help when needed...which is often.  I hope you enjoy reading the misadventures of my life and the lives of my family.  More soon to come.