The hands free revolution is a Facebook group I was introduced too months ago and a concept I found intimidating but much needed.
Before I go any further, let me say I have been a Facebook member since its early college years. When it was for college students only and simply a fun way to to keep up with your fellow students. It somehow evolved into a primary method of communication for the entire planet. A bit scary.
Today, we live in a society where people just go, go all day long. Technology has matched that pace, making it incredibly easy to keep up with life while on the move. You have the ease of social interaction with a large group of people at one time, minus much interaction. A simple like, a comment, or a status update.
Years later, as a working mother of three it has become more an absolute waste of my time. Any free moment I would find myself drawn to it. I do keep in touch with many people via Facebook and would never want to lose that. But I realized hands free interactions with my children and my family were becoming obsolete. So much so my children were prefacing their questions with put your phone down mama.
Last week was a test for myself. Could I do it? Initially I set the bar high; I was going to log off for a week or two But as all good intentions was evidently too high. I successfully logged out every night and all day Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. Just that short amount of time did wonders. I found myself filling that free time with time spent playing with the kids. They noticed too and their excitement made it all worthwhile. I heard every question and word they told me. And who couldn't use a little less Facebook drama?
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